CloudWays Pros and Cons – Is CloudWays The Right Choice for You?

Managed cloud hosting is currently an extremely famous decision for a ton of website proprietors, particularly for the individuals who oversee medium to huge organizations with a ton of space for development and quick.

Basically, this kind of hosting is truly adaptable, scalable, and strong. One such managed cloud hosting platform that has been on top of the game for a long while now is Cloudways.

Cloudways make a great deal of muddled stuff particularly for non-nerd users straightforwardly.

Gives you 5 cloud server choices, day-in and day-out support, and a stage that is prepared to take on your growth as a business or brand.

Excited? We sure are, let us talk about this astounding platform more in this well-detailed Cloudways review.


Cloudways Pros and Cons:

CloudWays is a managed cloud hosting platform that offers users a flexible, scalable, and reliable way to host their websites and applications.

However, like any other hosting platform, there are both pros and cons to using CloudWays. In this article, we will take a look at some of the key pros and cons of using CloudWays.

Cloudways Pros:

  • Free 3-day free time for testing
  • DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Amazon Web Service (AWS), or Google Computing Engine (GCE) cloud system
  • SSD hosting, Nginx/Apache servers, Varnish/Memcached reserving, PHP7, HTTP/2, Redis support
  • 1-click limitless WordPress installations and managing sites, pre-installed WP-CLI and Git integration
  • Free site movement service, free auto backups, SSL certificate, Cloudways CDN, and committed IP address
  • Responsive and agreeable support group available all day, every day
  • Quick loading Vultr High-Frequency servers

Cloudways Cons:

  • Cloud hosting so no email hosting, no cPanel/Plesk control panel

Cloudways Features:

Here in this Cloudways review we will take a look at the main features they offer, do a speed trial of them and walk you through every one of the pros and cons, to help you choose if joining is the best thing for you to do.

Allow us 10 minutes of your time and when you have wrapped up reading this you will be aware the event that this is the right (or wrong) hosting service for you.

Deciding to work on your web hosting experience, Cloudways plans to give people, groups, and businesses of all sizes the ability to furnish their site visitors with the most consistent user experience conceivable.

Also, this one-of-a-kind web host offers Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud-based web hosting, which sets it apart even from so many other hosting suppliers that offer a variety of hosting solutions.

Hosting plans come with a fabulous feature set, support you can depend on, and prices you can manage.

This implies that their system is upgraded for speed, performance, and security, and you will see that this is one of the most mind-blowing cloud-based hosting supplier choices around.

What’s more, we are by all accounts not the only ones saying Cloudways is the best because Cloudways is extremely famous among plenty of users.

Cloudways Pros:

Cloudways treats web hosting in a serious way and aims to give customers the absolute best with regards to the 3S of web hosting; Speed, Security, and Support.

Hosting plans likewise come pre-loaded with fundamental and useful features that anybody, with a website, and any expertise level can use.

Quick and Secure Cloud Servers

Cloudways does not have its own servers so the main thing you need to do subsequent to signing up is to pick a cloud server supplier to use for hosting your WordPress or WooCommerce website.

There are five cloud server foundation suppliers to look over:

  • DigitalOcean (begins at $10 per month – 8 worldwide server farms to browse)
  • Linode (begins at $12 per month – 11 worldwide server farms to browse)
  • Vultr (begins at $11 per month – 19 worldwide server farms to browse)
  • Google Compute Engine or Google Cloud (begins at $34.17 per month – 18 worldwide server farms to look over)
  • Amazon Web Service/AWS (begins at $36.04 per month – 20 worldwide server farms to browse)

What is the Best Cloudways Server to Choose?

The least expensive Cloudways server?

The least expensive Cloudways server for WordPress sites is Digital Ocean. This is the most practical server that Cloudways offer and is the most ideal decision for beginners and more modest WordPress sites.

The quickest Cloudways server?

The best Cloudways server for speed is either DigitalOcean Premium Droplets, Vultr High Frequency, AWS, or Google Cloud.

The least expensive choice for speed and performance is Cloudways Vultr High-Frequency servers.

Vultr HF servers come with quicker CPU processing, memory speed, and NVMe storage. The fundamental advantages are:

  • 3.8 GHz Processors – most recent age of Intel processors controlled by Intel Skylake
  • Low Latency Memory
  • NVMe Storage – NVMe is the up-and-coming age of SSD with quicker read/write speeds.

This is the way to set up a Vultr High-Frequency server on Cloudways:

  • Select the application you need to install (for example most recent WordPress variant)
  • Give the application a name
  • Give the server a name
  • (discretionary) Add the application into an undertaking (really great for when you have different servers and applications)
  • Select the cloud server supplier (i.e VULTR)
  • Select the server type (for example High Frequency)
  • Select the server size (pick 2GB, however, can continuously increase/down later).
  • Select server area
  • Click Launch Now and your server gets created

In the event that you are not currently on Cloudways, you can demand a free migration.

Because Cloudways offers a free relocation on the off chance that you are moving from another host.

The most solid Cloudways server?

The best Cloudways servers for security, and versatility are AWS and Google Cloud. These are for websites that can never go down and guarantee uptime, performance, and security – however, the disadvantage is that you want to pay for bandwidth, which loads up quickly.

One-of-a-kind Cloud Hosting Solution

Cloudways just offers cloud-based hosting for website owners. 

All in all, how does this contrast with other, more conventional hosting solutions?

  • Numerous copies of your site’s content are put away on different servers so assuming the primary server goes down, the duplicates from different servers hop in, limiting downtime
  • Effectively migrate your site to various servers in various data centers in the event that need be
  • Experience quicker loading times thanks to the various server setup and premium CDN services
  • Partake in a safer environment because every server cooperates and freely with each other
  • Exploit a devoted resources environment so your site is never impacted by others
  • Scale your site effectively, adding more resources if necessary in the event that you see a spike in traffic or growth in deals
  • Cloud hosting is pay-as-you-go so you just pay for what you want and use
  • Although this hosting solution is not quite the same as many hosting supplier plans accessible today, have confidence you can use it with any famous substance management system (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and Drupal with a couple of clicks.

Rapid Performance

Cloudways’ servers are quick so you know your site’s content is being delivered to visitors as fast as could be expected, regardless of how much traffic is visiting without a moment’s delay.

Yet, that is not all. Cloudways offers an entire host of speed-related features:

Dedicated Resources: All servers have a predetermined amount of resources because of their dedicated nature they sit in. That implies your site is never in danger because of one more site’s additional draw of resources, and your site’s performance is rarely affected.

Free Caching WordPress plugin: Cloudways gives their restrictive storing plugin, Breeze, to all customers for nothing. All hosting plans likewise accompany in-built advanced caches (Memcached, Varnish, Nginx, and Redis), as well as Full Page Cache.

Redis support: Empowering Redis helps your site’s data set to perform over and above anyone’s expectations. Integrated with Apache, Nginx, and Varnish, you never need to stress over your site’s performance.

PHP prepared servers: Cloudways servers are PHP 7 ready, which is the quickest PHP version to date.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) service: Get superior CDN services so servers spreading over the globe can convey your site’s substance to site visitors in light of their geographic area.

Auto-Healing servers: Assuming your server goes down, Cloudways bounces in immediately with auto self-healing to limit downtime.

As may be obvious, speed and performance ought to never be an issue with Cloudways hosting.

Sites that load slowly are not probably going to perform well. A review from Google found that a one-second defer in versatile page load times can affect change rates by up to 20 percent.

Managed Security:

Adopting a proactive strategy to site security, you can believe your delicate information to Cloudways because of their underlying security features:

  • Operating system level firewalls safeguarding all servers
  • Routine patches and firmware overhauls
  • 1-click free SSL certificate install
  • Two-factor validation for your Cloudways account
  • IP whitelisting capacity

To really sweeten the deal, in the event something happens to your website, Cloudways offers free auto backups of cloud server information and pictures.

With a 1-click restore choice, in the event that your site does not crash, downtime is negligible.

Assuming that your site encounters any downtime (not connected with booked upkeep, crisis support, or what they call “Power Majeure Events”), you will be repaid by Cloudways.

Those credits will apply to your following month’s service charges. Managed Security

Adopting a proactive strategy for site security, you can believe your sensitive information to Cloudways because of their underlying security features:

  • Operating system level firewalls safeguarding all servers
  • Routine patches and firmware overhauls
  • 1-click free SSL certificate install
  • Two-factor verification for your Cloudways account
  • IP whitelisting ability

If that was not already enough, in the event something happens to your website, Cloudways offers free auto backups of cloud server information and pictures.

With a 1-click restore choice, in the event that your site does not crash, downtime is negligible.

Assuming your site encounters any downtime (not connected with booked support, crisis upkeep, or what they call “Power Majeure Events”), you will be remunerated by Cloudways.

Those credits will apply to your following month’s service charges.

Heavenly Customer Support

With regards to picking a hosting supplier, support ought to be really important. Any kind of business these days completely relies upon web hosting to flawlessly run. In any case, there can be times when things don’t function admirably.

All things considered, assuming you at any point need help, you must have the option to reach out to those liable for keeping up with your site’s data.

In the event that you want to reach out to somebody in support, you can converse with an individual from the Customer Success Team by means of live chat, or present a ticket through the tagging system and deal with the advancement of your question.

What’s more, in the event that you need it, you can “demand a call” and address Cloudways support by phone during business hours.

You can likewise connect with Cloudways’ dynamic community of individuals to share data, experiences, and abilities. What’s more, obviously, you can pose inquiries as well!

Finally, exploiting the broad Knowledge Base, complete with articles about Getting Started, Server Management, and Application Management.

Also, read articles about your account, charging, email services, additional items, and then some.

Team Collaboration

It might appear to be unusual, yet Cloudways offers a set-up of features and tools intended to help you and your team collaborate and succeed.

This is particularly useful for designers or offices that deal with various websites immediately across numerous servers.

For example, an auto Git deployment, unlimited staging areas, and secure SSH and SPTP access allow you to send off tasks and make them perfect prior to going live.

Also, assign out team individual tasks, transfer servers to other people, clone applications and servers, and use the Cloudways WP Migrator plugin to effortlessly move WordPress sites from other hosting suppliers over to Cloudways.

Get ongoing updates through email or text from CloudwaysBot, a savvy right hand that screens your site’s performance consistently. With the data sent by the AI bot, you can streamline your servers and applications.

Also, you can incorporate your foundation with your email, Slack, HipChat, and other outsider applications.

Finally, exploit the New Relic coordination so you can investigate issues bottlenecking your advancement and fix them straight away.

Cloudways Cons:

Cloudways is no question an exceptional, solid, and profoundly performing cloud host. All things considered, it is feeling the loss of a couple of significant features.

  • No Domain Name Registration

Cloudways doesn’t offer customers domain name registration, free of charge or for a charge. That implies before you join to use their hosting services, you really want to get a domain name through an outsider merchant.

Adding to that, pointing your domain name to your hosting supplier after getting set up can be troublesome, particularly for fledgling website proprietors.

Because of this, many individuals might decide to go somewhere else for their hosting needs. All things considered, passing on to register a domain name, and returning to pursue hosting and guide your recently created URL toward your hosting supplier may be an over-the-top issue except if never going to budge on using Cloudways.

This is particularly evident when so many cutthroat hosting suppliers offer free domain name registration and help with directing your domain toward your host.

  • No cPanel or Plesk

Cloudways is a platform-as-a-service network so the conventional shared hosting cPanel and Plesk dashboards are basically not there.

There is a dedicated control center accessible for overseeing applications hosted on the cloud server. However, for those not used to this huge contrast, you might experience difficulty.

Also, cPanel and Plesk are considerably more complete, allowing you to oversee everything connected with hosting from one helpful dashboard.

However, the Cloudways console simply takes a little to become acclimated to, it very well may be overwhelming for those changing from an alternate hosting stage.

  • No Email Hosting:

Cloudways hosting plans do not come with incorporated email accounts like so many trustworthy hosting suppliers do. (Anyway most WordPress hosts like BionicWP do not come with email hosting).

All things considered, they maintain that individuals should pay per email account, which can demonstrate exorbitant on the off chance that you maintain a huge business, have a sizable team and need a lot of email accounts to keep things running.

They offer email services as a different paid add-on. For email accounts (letter boxes), you can use their Rackspace email add-on (pricing begins from $1 per month per email address) and for active or conditional messages, you can use their custom SMTP add-on.

CloudWays Pricing For Cloud Hosting:

Cloudways Hosting accompanies many managed hosting plans that will work for everybody paying little mind to site size, intricacy, or spending plan.

To begin CloudWays Pricing, they have 5 plans to browse, and your plan prices will fluctuate contingent upon which system supplier you decide to use:

  • DigitalOcean: Plans range from $10/month to $80/month, RAM from 1GB-8GB, Processors from 1 center to 4 center, storage from 25GB to 160GB, and transfer speed from 1TB to 5TB.
  • Linode: Plans range from $12/month to $90/month, RAM from 1GB-8GB, Processors from 1 center to 4 centers, storage from 20GB to 96GB, and transfer speed from 1TB to 4TB.
  • Vultr: Plans range from $11/month to $84/month, RAM from 1GB-8GB, Processors from 1 center to 4 center, storage from 25GB to 100GB, and transfer speed from 1TB to 4TB.
  • Amazon Web Service (AWS): Plans range from $85.17/month to $272.73/month, RAM from 3.75GB-15GB, vCPU from 1-4, storage at 4GB in all cases, and transfer speed 2GB no matter how you look at it.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCE): Plans range from $73.62/month to $226.05/month, RAM from 3.75GB-16GB, vCPU from 1-4, storage at 20GB in all cases, and transfer speed 2GB no matter how you look at it.

These are only the featured plans. They likewise offer extra plans, as well as modified plans.

Keep in mind, that these plans are pay-as-you-go. Whenever you really want to increase (or scale down) you can, and that implies the more data transmission you use, the more you pay.

Furthermore, all hosting plans accompany day-in and day-out master support, limitless application installations, free SSL certificates, and free site relocations.

You can attempt any of the accessible hosting plans for nothing for 3-days. From that point, you basically pay-as-you-go and are never integrated with a plan.

Do We Recommend Cloudways?

Indeed, we do.

Because eventually, Cloudways is a dependable and reasonable cloud hosting choice for any WordPress website proprietor, paying little mind to expertise level or site type.

Because of its cloud-based platform, you can experience bursting quick speeds, ideal site performance, and first-rate security.

This is all intended to give your site visitors the best user experience conceivable and keep your site’s information secure from vindictive action.

All things considered, Cloudways’ disparities can make things somewhat confounded for fledgling website proprietors from the outset. There is no customary cPanel or Plesk, no real way to register a domain name with Cloudways, and no email hosting feature.

This adds to the by and large hosting price and makes beginning more required than other practically identical hosting suppliers available today.

Assuming you truly do choose to go with them, gauge the advantages and disadvantages prior to signing up. Or on the other hand, exploit the 3-day free time for testing to ensure they have the features you really want to scale your business and deal with your hosting account.

Is CloudWays the Right Choice for You?

Yes, CloudWays is the right choice for you if you’re looking for a reliable, scalable, and affordable cloud hosting solution. With CloudWays, you get all the benefits of the cloud without the complexity or the high price tag.

Is CloudWays worth it?

CloudWays is a great option for those who are looking for an easy-to-use, reliable and affordable cloud hosting solution. With CloudWays, you get access to a wide range of features and tools that make it easy to manage your website or application.

What is CloudWays?

CloudWays is a cloud platform that provides users with a simple, yet a powerful, way to deploy and manage their applications on top of major cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean, and more.

How does CloudWays Work?

CloudWays is a cloud hosting platform that enables users to deploy and manage their applications on various cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean, and more. The platform provides a unified interface for managing all aspects of their cloud infrastructure, including server provisioning, application deployment, monitoring, and more.

CloudWays CDN vs Cloudflare?

Cloudways CDN is a good choice for those who are looking for an affordable and easy-to-use solution. Cloudflare is a great choice for those who are looking for a more robust and feature-rich solution.

Top 3 Best CloudWays Hosting Alternatives:

  • A2 Hosting
  • BlueHost
  • GreenGeeks

We hope our CloudWays Review helps you in deciding if you want to pick Cloudways as your web hosting supplier.

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