Digital Ocean Web Hosting Pros and Cons – How to Decide if Digital Ocean Hosting is right for you?

Digital Ocean Hosting is an expert supplier that is the most ideal for designers who need to deliver reasonable cloud infrastructure. 

The issues begin to kick in the event that you are a new user who needs a lot of support or on the other hand on the off chance that you want to drop your trial or request a refund.

Like any web host, it has advantages and disadvantages, thus as long as you understand what you are getting into, you will actually do fine and dandy.

DigitalOcean offers what it calls a developer cloud: a network of virtual machines that are intended to permit you to increase as your website grows.

CEO Mark Templeton was behind the hazardous growth of Citrix Systems, and the organization currently serves north of 1,000,000 developers in 195 nations across twelve unique data centers.

Unlike other hosting companies, DigitalOcean spends significant time in cloud computing and does not offer shared or VPS hosting.

At the point when you first land on the website, it tends to be difficult to determine what it really does. It obviously focuses on drawing in web designers and its stripped-back home page means to dissuade non-techy visitors.

Heads up: If you are a new website owner who needs any sort of support or hand-holding – try not to peruse on. The support team is practically non-existent, and, because this is something of an expert supplier, being the ideal host for everyone is not going.


The question is, is Digital Ocean the ideal host for you?

In this article, we will help you to sort that out, and we will share our very own couple experiences en route. Could it be said that you are ready? Great. How about we begin?

Features of Digital Ocean Web Hosting:

Heavy tech tools (assuming you know how to use them)

As DigitalOcean has a weighty spotlight on working with engineers, you will not find standard features like free domain names, free backups, SSL certificates, or even customer support.

In any case, on the off chance that you have the technical skills, you can create and keep up with your own custom-tailored cloud server featuring all that from floating IP locations to private systems administration, simply be cautioned, its features are not as clear to use similarly as with different suppliers.

Product Ecosystem

Regardless of focussing exclusively on cloud hosting, DigitalOcean has no lack of choices to browse. It offers various stages for various use cases, from its scalable droplets for application networks to its space solution for document storage and its “simple” data set hosting. You can pick which items you’re most intrigued by and just pay for what you use.

Top Security

DigitalOcean safeguards your information from start to finish with additional encryption included as a matter of course.

It is not rocket science but it is better compared to most and you can constantly improve it with extra layers of safety, as long as you probably are well-versed with a little bit of coding and can follow DigitalOcean’s web-based tutorials.

Choice of Server Locations

With DigitalOcean, you can take your pick of where you’d like your essential server to be situated, from Germany and the Netherlands to India, Singapore, Canada, and the United States of America.

It additionally permits you to run speed tests on every one of those areas from right inside the dashboard. Nonetheless, it is generally worth running tests using an outer tool briefly, a fair assessment.

Tools and Integrations

On top of the company’s web-based control panels and order lines, DigitalOcean likewise takes advantage of a lot of APIs and incorporates single-click installers, even though certain individuals have had issues making them work.

It likewise has collaboration tools for full teams and mixes for a scope of normal developer tools. It even coordinates with Slack on the off chance that you can get that joining to work in any case.

Truly, DigitalOcean won’t win prizes for its accessibility any time soon. Its target fans are trained developers, thus the emphasis is more on giving usefulness and versatility at a low price than on making it simple for you to track down your strategy for getting around the points of the interface. In any case, it has some cool convenience features that merit notice.

Create an Account

Making an account with DigitalOcean is very simple, and it is anything but a distortion to say that it has one of the more lovely onboarding experiences on the marketplace.

The issues start in the event that you attempt to contact support, which is basically non-existent all through the setup (any actually some other) process.

Connect a Domain and Install WordPress

As a matter of fact, there is a peculiar dissimilarity between the fact that it is so easy to create an account and how interesting it tends to be to complete different tasks.

Interfacing domains and installing WordPress can be excessively intricate for beginners because you will have to fiddle with SSH keys and order terminals. Yet, developers will have no issue getting everything rolling.

Comprehensive Documentation

Maybe it is simply a developer thing but DigitalOcean has a great set of documentation including a public information base.

Its “Write for Donations” program welcomes individuals to submit information base articles and to get compensated for them, with a matching amount being paid to noble causes. This implies that it has a great measure of technical content only sitting tight for you to take advantage of it.

Pick Only the Resources You Need

Because the system is cloud-based, it’s simple for you to choose and pay for just the resources and usefulness that you want.

Different hosts will generally gather the contributions into various bundles, however, DigitalOcean keeps its prices low by permitting you to strip it back to the absolute minimum.

Advanced Server Management

The DigitalOcean console gives some visual server management tools, yet it likewise gives SSH access or management by means of an online Linux console.

To use something like cPanel, you’ll have to install (and pay for it) yourself, so you’re probably going to require at any rate some order line experience assuming you plan on dealing with your cloud server yourself.

Moving on, let us now talk about the pros of DigitalOcean.

Pros of Digital Ocean Web Hosting:

  • Great “Average” Uptime of 99.97%

DigitalOcean truly succeeds in uptime, conveying a normal of 99.97% throughout recent long stretches of observing.

That means that since January 2022 they have managed to keep the uptime 100 percent continually, other than June 2022 when the uptime was just 99.83% and July when the uptime was 99.98%. Without these months, Digital Ocean’s performance would have been an ideal 100 percent.

  • Lightning-Fast Load Times 279 ms

Uptime is the main measurement to look for while choosing a web host.

All things considered – each ringer and whistle on the planet won’t account for a bunch of bologna on the off chance that your website is spending extensive stretches disconnected.

Coming in as a nearby second is speed.

Slacking websites should be ‘down’, all things considered. Drowsy sites are for all intents and purposes unusable. Your traffic will not hold back to bob. In a real sense. A distinction of only a couple of moments can cost you virtually all of your potential website traffic.

Fortunately, slow speed isn’t something you must be stressed over while signing up with DigitalOcean.

Their previous year’s typical page stacking time was 279 ms – one of the quickest we’ve seen!

  • Developer-Friendly Product Ecosystem

DigitalOcean isn’t simply a tired old act. As a matter of fact, their suite of items offers lots of potential for developers.

What are The Various Choices Presented by Digital Ocean Web Hosting?

Happy you inquired.

  • Droplets

Droplets is a scalable computing platform that can be redone to meet a business’ all application needs. It likewise remembers add-for storage, monitoring, and advanced security.

You can pick either standard or upgraded droplets and afterward modify them however much you might want. Droplets let devs avoid tedious installation and design to move right along toward code organization.

  • Spaces

Though Droplets is for application arrangement, Spaces is about basic article storage.

We are talking about a security system that permits you to store and convey information to applications and end-users. Spaces work under a basic process, making dependable storage with an intuitive UI or API.

Spaces can be used to store backup records, weblogs, information examinations, and considerably more.

The service is additionally adaptable, so your Spaces can develop with your organization. In addition – Spaces can be joined with other DigitalOcean features, or they can be used all alone.

  • Kubernetes

Kubernetes are intended for developers and managers.

How could you at any point manage Kubernetes?

You can convey your web applications for Kubernetes for more straightforward scaling, higher accessibility, and lower costs. You can likewise use these for API and backend services.

  • Adaptable Pricing

Despite the fact that we likewise have it under our cons, we believe it’s really amazing that you can truly alter all that you pay for – your site storage, CPU utilization, transmission capacity, data set, memory, and so on.

It is actually an extraordinary benefit on the off chance that you are an advanced user and right now acquainted with precisely the thing you want, what your objectives are, what you don’t require, etc.

  • Everyday Backups

DigitalOcean performs backups every day and you can constantly restore any information as long as a week prior. Despite the fact that DigitalOcean has prevalent uptime, it’s in every case preferable to be protected over grieved!

  • Great Security

Your data and traffic are constantly secured. This is the sort of thing that numerous different hosts don’t stress a lot or don’t give. DigitalOcean ensures that your data is safeguarded from start to end. It is an extraordinary benefit to keep those ill-willed connections and viruses out of your site system.

Naturally, DigitalOcean has added encryption to its volumes. To add an extra layer of safety, as with a large portion of their features, you’ll need to go through a tutorial, follow the means, and know coding to succeed.

Cons of Digital Ocean Web Hosting:

DigitalOcean began solid, notwithstanding, there are likewise downsides that should be noted.

We should have a more critical look.

  • For Advanced Users

The sign of a really extraordinary item lies in its capacity, to sum up, its services in layman’s terms.

This is the kind of thing tech organizations, specifically, struggle with folding their aggregate heads over.

In that capacity, most tech sites and stages will generally be brimming with language. As in, “unique words or articulations that are used by a specific calling or gathering and are hard for others to comprehend”.

At the point when one glances at tech items like DigitalOcean, the impulse to depend on language-based language turns out to be clear. You’re managing a ton of technical data – a specialist in the field would be constrained to write it as far as they might be concerned, and not how the typical person can figure it out.

That is not a problem for advanced users. It makes sense to them. It’ll all seem OK.

Yet, for beginners? No way.

This is a region where DigitalOcean flops dramatically. The site’s duplicate is loaded up with specialized terms and abbreviations for no great reason. They’re obviously promoting their item to developers specifically.

Hence, others will battle to sort out some way to move a site over, send it off, keep up with, or even develop their website.

  • Misses the mark on Features Other Consumer Hosts Provide

Most web hosts we’ve evaluated will toss in the equivalent ‘additional items.’ For instance, backups, potentially a decent CDN, and, surprisingly, an SSL certificate.

In contrast to other people, because DigitalOcean takes special care of a further developed swarm, they don’t toss in that frame of mind of essential features that numerous different hosts will give or deal with to you subsequent to signing up.

Things like:

  • Free domain name with hosting
  • The capacity to try and buy a domain name
  • Free site relocations
  • This means, that they can help you with a portion of these things. In any case, you shouldn’t expect a great deal of hand-holding services when you join.

This carries us to our next point.

  • Restricted Customer Support

Most hosting companies offer a variety of 24/7 customer support.

It could not necessarily be too important, yet basically, it is something worth talking about.

Tragically, DigitalOcean has in no way been like that. On the off chance that your website goes down around midnight (which could be terrible assuming you are running an international business. 

  • Convoluted cPanel

As referenced as of now, DigitalOcean is most certainly not so much for beginners. Basically, a cPanel is what you really want to fabricate your website these days (except if you’re friendly with programming languages).

For DigitalOcean, most importantly, you’ll have to set up a Droplet of your choice (DigitalOcean servers). Then you’ll have to install the cPanel following an intensive aide including embedding a few code orders (indeed, you need to know some coding), registering your account, installing the execution record, and so on.

On top of the wide range of various stuff, you’ll have to buy the right from an outsider to use the cPanel.

Assuming that you have no experience with coding and how to be a developer yourself, we recommend, that you either enlist a developer (a decent one) or keep away from DigitalOcean and track down solutions that suit your requirements and abilities more.

The ease of use of cPanel is generally instinctive, however at that point once more – there’s an expectation to learn and adapt and it’s most certainly not so much for beginners.

  • Pricing is Complicated

When you get into the pricing plans, you’ll head will go lightheaded with every one of the choices and potential outcomes which you can use and update. There are various classes for data transmission, space, servers (various speeds), CPU, security choices, and so on.

Basically – with DigitalOcean there are bunches of ways of making your month-to-month expense ridiculously pricey.

Most different suppliers offer 2-5 unique plans which provide you with a decent outline of what you get. With DigitalOcean you can tweak everything yourself.

It can be great, yet except if you’re an advanced user (as referenced over), it’s somewhat muddled and tedious.

Do We Recommend Digital Ocean Hosting?

Indeed, as long as you’re a developer.

In the event that you’re simply a normal individual hoping to send off a web presence, there are undeniably more user-accommodating items out there that will cost you undeniably less.

For somebody that feels comfortable around the tech world, there is by all accounts no quicker or more exceptionally performing item than DigitalOcean.

There are a couple of disadvantages yet in the event that uptime and speed are the main variables for you, DigitalOcean is among the most ideal decisions available.

Top 3 Best Digital Ocean Web Hosting Alternatives:

  • A2 Hosting
  • BlueHost
  • GreenGeeks

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