HostPapa Pros and cons – Is HostPapa Any Good? Let’s FInd out

As a small business owner, it may very well be difficult to track down the right web hosting supplier. HostPapa sets itself apart from other web hosts with its cheap and affordable beginner-friendly hosting services.

With an end goal to help people looking for a dependable hosting supplier, we have embarked on a mission to show you the intricate details of a web host intended to help your website succeed.

HostPapa offers reasonable pricing on web hosting plans for beginners and small business sites with plans that incorporate a free domain name, unlimited bandwidth and disk space, and free SSL and Cloudflare CDN.

In this guide, we will take a look at the main features of HostPapa, what their pros and cons are and what their plans and prices are like. 

Let us dive right into it Detailed HostPapa Web Hosting Review!


About HostPapa Web Hosting:

Laid out ten years ago, HostPapa has experienced impressive growth from that point forward. Moreover, while they are most certainly not without their cons, they really do have gained notoriety for things like being eco-friendly, having remarkable customer service, and having a set-up of tools ideal for new business owners.

HostPapa Web Hosting Pros and Cons:

HostPapa Web Hosting Pros:

  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Free domain name
  • Free website migration
  • Unlimited disk space and data transfer
  • Fast servers
  • Free SSL and Cloudflare CDN
  • 24/7 customer support

HostPapa Web Hosting Cons:

  • HostPapa Renewal Price is a bit Expensive
  • Auto site backups only available with the Business Pro plan

We will be discussing them in detail as we proceed.

HostPapa Web Hosting Pros:

As we stated above, HostPapa is ever figuring things out to have experienced such a rise in fame in such a short measure of time. Truth be told, it has been said that they host almost 1,000,000 websites in the United States and Canada alone.

Thus, how about we find out what makes them so extraordinary, and why certain people pick them over any other hosting suppliers in the market?


The quicker your website loads the better. Research has uncovered that most site visitors will leave your website assuming it fails to load in somewhere around 2 seconds or less.

HostPapa has put resources into the most recent speed technology to make sure that your website pages load quick:

  • Strong State Drives: Your site’s files and databases are put away in SSD hard drives, which are faster than the traditional HDD (Hard Disk Drives).
  • Quick Servers: At the point when a site visitor clicks on your website, the web and database servers loaf content up to 50 times quicker.
  • In-built Caching: HostPapa uses Cachewall which upgrades, secures, and further improves the response time for your website.
  • Content Delivery Network: HostPapa comes with CDN controlled by CloudFlare, to store your content and load it quickly for the site visitors.
  • PHP7: HostPapa ensures you are using the latest technologies for your website.

24-Hour Support

HostPapa does not simply offer heavenly help as so many other hosting suppliers do nowadays. They go above and beyond to help their customers and resolve every single issue:

Here is all that they offer:

  • Extensive Knowledge Base: View as straightforward aides and tutorials in the event that you’re searching for a little self-improvement. Separated into classifications, for example, Hosting, Email, and Domains, you can continuously find precisely the exact thing you are searching for.
  • Video Tutorials: In the event that you are to a greater degree a visual individual and really like to follow along with video tutorials, this is the best spot for you. Figure out how to use each feature HostPapa offers and watch bit-by-bit tutorial content.
  • Live Chat: Converse with a live representative with an issue you are having right currently using HostPapa’s every minute of every day live chat feature.
  • HostPapa Dashboard. Deal with your HostPapa account using the natural dashboard. Login using their login page, Facebook, Google, or even Twitter. Make buys, view billing data, and even print invoices for your own records.
  • Support Tickets: Submit support tickets, or check the status with existing ones, all through your HostPapa dashboard.
  • HostPapa Experts: Join their weekly online class, or even schedule a 30-minute one-on-one instructional course with a customer support delegate (for FREE!).

To really sweeten the deal, HostPapa additionally makes getting to the situation with the network easy to do so you generally know what’s happening.

HostPapa Web Hosting Live System Status:

See the status of web hosting and email services, DNS hosting, Linux servers, and, surprisingly, the billing and support systems. Also, check whether any recent issues are being tended to and whether there is any scheduled maintenance coming up that might hamper your service.

Furthermore, in the event that that is sufficiently not, know that HostPapa deciphers the content of their site into English, French, Spanish, and German, which takes special care of their growing global customer base.

Furthermore, in addition to the fact that you can read HostPapa’s site content in various languages, you can get live chat and telephone support in numerous languages as well.

Highly Secure Data Centres:

HostPapa has a solid hosting system and keeps up with the best expectations with regards to getting their data centers.

For example, expect the following security features to be set up on all HostPapa servers:

  • Climate and temperature controls
  • Raised floor facilities
  • Fault protection
  • Fire-suppression systems
  • Water detection systems
  • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
  • Reserve and excess power creating
  • Diesel backup generators
  • Intel Server items power all HostPapa gear and a completely featured Cisco-fueled network guarantee your site’s data is completely secure.

Noteworthy Uptime:

The team at HostPapa wishes to give you a 100 percent uptime guarantee. However, the pleasant thing about them is that they understand that as a result of how shared hosting is set up, this is not only unrealistic, it is inappropriate to promise.

All things considered, it just takes one website on a shared server to toss everything into tumult. Whether it be a security break, abuse of resources, or a colossal spike in traffic, truly, shared hosting servers will go down every now and then.

All things considered, HostPapa ensures a 99.9 percent uptime.

Furthermore, if you are within the initial 30-days of hosting your website with HostPapa you are at all disappointed, you can have a fair amount of money returned.

Tools for Small Businesses:

Recollect when we said HostPapa takes special care of small businesses. All things considered, with an end goal to perceive how genuine this was, we investigated every one of the features they offer customers that might be helpful to small business owners.

We concocted furthermore, this:

HostPapa Domain Names:

Run a quick domain name search using HostPapa’s own domain name tool. Browse exemplary domain name endings, or pick a more one-of-a-kind one, for example, .master or .club. One way or the other, you can pick a really winning domain name to be the groundwork for your new website with a click.

Furthermore, assuming you end up pursuing HostPapa’s hosting, you can register your cool new domain name free of charge for the first year of service.

Email Solutions:

Email is critical to the progress of your small to medium business. Fortunately, HostPapa has a lot of email solutions for you to pick from:

  • Fundamental email that accompanies a professional identity using your business’ name
  • Advanced email that accompanies more dynamic security features
  • Office 365 email that accompanies Microsoft Office, and none of the management cost
  • G Suite email, complete with efficiency tools and online storage, again without the additional cost

SSL Certificates:

Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate comes included for free. Premium Wildcard SSL certificate is not available to free of charge, HostPapa has some powerful SSL certificates accessible for your growing site. 

Furthermore, since getting your site’s data, and all the more critically the data of your site visitors is significant for your standing, you could investigate buying an SSL certificate from your hosting supplier.

Assuming you put resources into HostPapa’s SSL certificates, you will appreciate:

  • 256-cycle data encryption
  • Immediate and automatic installation
  • Close to 100 percent browser compatibility
  • Ultimately, you will have the option to show an interactive seal containing your SSL certificate’s data so that site visitors could see it, which adds believability to your site and causes you to seem reliable.

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

All HostPapa Business and Business Pro hosting plans accompany free Cloudflare CDN services to help convey your website’s content to a worldwide crowd quicker than any time in recent memory.

Maximize your site’s uptime by adjusting the server load, boost site speed and performance, and even appreciate added security from hackers and other security dangers. Furthermore, get an investigation to help you see where traffic is coming from so you can screen possible dangers.

Automatic Website Backups:

There’s nothing more regrettable than putting a ton of difficult work into building a web-based business, just to have it cleaned away in view of a server crash, programmer, or some other site glitch.

That is the reason HostPapa steps in and gives its customers automatic everyday site backups:

  • Look over 7 changed restore focuses
  • Data put away in discrete locations for added protection
  • Basic plans accompany up to 1GB of backup space (extra space accessible)
  • Backup your site’s files, database, and emails

Remember, this is a superior service.

Website Builder:

Building a website has never been simpler than utilizing the elite HostPapa Website Builder.

Use the drag-and-drop site page builder, look over many pre-designed themes, and even form an eCommerce shop to sell either physical or advanced items and services (or both).

Here is a portion of the key features you can expect when you utilize the HostPapa website manufacturer:

  • Simple customization of all site components including a variety of plans, textual styles, and pictures
  • Versatile responsive plan for all size devices
  • Customization of HTML, JS, and CSS assuming you have the range of abilities (however it is not needed)
  • Coordinated social offer icon and contact forms
  • Search Engine Optimisation for a good search engine ranking
  • Facebook publishing capacity
  • Live preview mode for desktop and cell phones

HostPapa Green Web Hosting:

HostPapa highly esteems being one of the first hosting companies to proclaim they would be practicing environmental awareness to help the world we live in.

They advance the turn of events and use of wind and solar-based energy by buying environmentally friendly power energy certificates. This is to counterbalance the power being used in both their data centers and offices.

HostPapa uses only 100 percent sustainable Green Tag energy, coming from different sources across the United States and Canada. In doing so, they diminish their own carbon footprint, however, desire to get more individuals ready for utilizing clean energy and attempt to decrease their imprint on the Earth as well.

You can add standards to your website to tell site visitors you are doing your part by utilizing green web hosting.

Add a full banner, half banner, or even a little rectangle to complement your website’s plan.

HostPapa Web Hosting Cons:

Since you have a smart thought about what HostPapa brings to the table for customers, now is the ideal time to take a look at a few of the cons of HostPapa, so you can go with the most educated choice with regards to picking a hosting supplier.

HostPapa Renewal Price is Expensive:

From the get-go, HostPapa appears to be an extremely financially savvy hosting supplier, particularly because it is a green web host, which can knock up prices fundamentally.

Furthermore, it is standard for hosting suppliers to have astoundingly low signup prices to urge more individuals to begin using them. Then, at that point, following an extended time of good service, the hosting supplier then the month-to-month prices and hopes the vast majority renew.

All things considered, nobody needs to change web hosts consistently, particularly when they are content with the service.

All things considered, increased renewal prices can be startling and cause some serious sticker shock. Also, sadly, that is precisely the exact thing HostPapa does.

Come to find you need to put resources into a drawn-out agreement to get the low initial price and the markup for renewal is critical.

Missing Features:

HostPapa’s underlying feature set appears to be an area of strength for entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, we feel they are feeling the loss of a few key things:

  • Their money-back guarantee of 30 days comes up short compared with a rivalry that offers 60 or even 90-day money-back guarantees.
  • Programmed backups are a superior service for both Starter and Business hosting plans, which is again not normal for the opposition, where to some extent week after week backups are presented as a feature of the hosting plan.
  • However, they guarantee to be a global hosting network, the server farm areas are very restricted (even with CDN services, this will undoubtedly influence the speed of sites that are geographically far away). On the off chance that you are situated beyond the United States or Canada, HostPapa isn’t the best web host to use.

HostPapa Hosting Plans:

HostPapa offers many hosting plans, for example, VPS and Reseller hosting. All things considered, we will take a look at their shared and WordPress hosting plans so you have a smart thought of what is in store when you join to use HostPapa hosting.

Shared Hosting

HostPapa has shared hosting that figures out perfect for those simply beginning or those that have negligible traffic coming to their websites.

Contingent upon the level you pick, you will get features like:

  • Numerous to unlimited hosted sites
  • Limitless circle space and data transfer capacity
  • Free domain name registration
  • 24/7 support
  • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL, Cloudflare CDN, and website move
  • Close to 100% uptime
  • Performance and security upgrades
  • CloudLinux servers
  • Furthermore, significantly more
  • You will likewise approach the HostPapa website builder, cPanel control, the Softaculous tool for incorporating applications, and, surprisingly, free one-on-one training.

HostPapa shared hosting goes from $3.95/month to $12.95/month relying upon which plan you pick.

The Business Pro plan is the most costly plan however it’s definitely worth the additional expense as it comes loaded with upgraded performance, security, and speed.

Quick stacking sites matter. A study from Google found that a one-second defer in portable page load times can influence transformation rates by up to 20 percent.

It accompanies rocket quick premium servers (3x server performance) and copies the RAM and hard drive space.


  • Quicker servers
  • 300% performance support
  • Less accounts per server
  • 4 times more CPU and MYSQL assets
  • Premium Wildcard SSL
  • Auro website backup
  • SiteLock detect
  • Domain name security

HostPapa WordPress Hosting

HostPapa additionally offers WordPress hosting that takes care of the people who decide to use the well-known WordPress content management system.

Furthermore, while the vast majority of the features reflect what is presented in the shared hosting plans, you can likewise expect these extra hosting features:

  • Auto-installed WordPress (extremely helpful for amateurs)
  • WordPress storing
  • Free WordPress site move
  • Improved SSD drives
  • 24/7 WordPress support
  • Implicit SEO improvement plugin (Yoast SEO)
  • Auto WordPress core updates

At the point when we tried HostPapa’s page load times, we gave it a shot at their WP Starter plan.

WordPress hosting plans vary marginally with regards to price: $3.95 per month, $5.95 per month, and $12.95 per month, again just when you put resources into long-term plans.

Similarly, as with the shared plans above, we suggest the WP Business Pro plan. Indeed, this is the most costly plan yet it comes loaded with improved performance, security, and speed. You will get rocket-fast premium servers (3 times better server performance) and twofold the RAM and hard drive space.


  • Quicker servers
  • 300% performance support
  • Less accounts per server
  • 4x more CPU and MYSQL assets
  • Premium trump card SSL
  • Auto website backup
  • SiteLock identify
  • Domain name security

Do We Recommend HostPapa?

Eventually, HostPapa is a strong web hosting solution for those that need something somewhat more novice and well-disposed. Likewise great for those running small businesses.

The feature set is sufficiently enormous to take care of business, however not overpowering to those that simply need not bother with that much.

In any case, on the off chance that you start to see your business scaling, you will find the resources accessible will be unable to serve your necessities in the most effective way conceivable. You will, nonetheless, have a safe site that keeps a noteworthy uptime.

Also, you will have the option to feel much better about the reality you are lessening your own carbon footprint by using green web hosting.

Assuming that you choose to use HostPapa for your hosting needs, try to inspect your budget in advance since there are a few hidden expenses incorporated into each plan.

You will likewise need to try to give your host a decent go because you just have 30 days to conclude regardless of whether you need to keep them (assuming you need a refund that is).

Assuming that HostPapa seems like a web hosting supplier that you need to look at, jump on over to their website, see what they bring to the table, and ensure they have the hosting features you want to effectively maintain your business website.

Top 3 Best HostPapa Alternatives:

Looking for a web hosting provider that offers a wider range of features and pricing options than HostPapa? Consider these alternative web hosting providers:

Is HostPapa Any Good?

Yes, HostPapa is a good web hosting company. They offer great features and support. Their prices are reasonable, and they offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Is HostPapa owned by GoDaddy?

No, HostPapa is not owned by GoDaddy. They are two separate companies.

Is HostPapa easy to use?

Yes, HostPapa is easy to use. They have a user-friendly control panel and offer 24/7 customer support.

What is HostPapa used for?

HostPapa is a web hosting company that provides services for individuals and businesses. Services include domain registration, web hosting, email hosting, and more.

We hope our guide on HostPapa Reviews helps you in picking the best possible manner.

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