InMotion Web Hosting Pros and Cons – Is InMotion Hosting The Best Web Hosting Company

Even though InMotion has been around since 2001, they are not as popular as SiteGround, GoDaddy, or Hostinger. But, InMotion is one of the most underrated gems is what we feel.

InMotion has been equipping its users with some of the finest services and products and surely has left us spellbound.

We signed into our InMotion Hosting account, created a test site, and got down to business with it, just to perceive how they have been performing.

We tested speed, took a look at their features, spoke to their customer support, and evaluated their general functionality – and were eternally satisfied with the results!

As usual, we created a rundown of pros and cons in light of our discoveries, to make sure you can decide for yourself on the off chance that InMotion Hosting is the best web host for your site.

Let us talk about it in a bit more detail as we proceed.


Pros and Cons of InMotion Web Hosting:

InMotion Hosting Pros

  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Managed WordPress hosting on all plans
  • Free private SSL certificate
  • NVMe SSD drives on all plans
  • Innovative speed technologies (SSD, PHP7, WP-CLI, CloudLinux + more)
  • Free automatic daily backups
  • BoldGrid website builder
  • Free no-downtime website migrations
  • UltraStack caching (NGINX, Redis, PHP-FPM, BrotlweCompression)

InMotion Hosting Cons

  • Delayed account setup (manual verification)
  • No CDN 

Let us talk about the pros and cons of InMotion in a bit more detail as we proceed further.

InMotion Web Hosting Pros

We should begin by investigating what the pros of InMotion are.

  • Customer Support:

On the off chance that you have had any past experience with a web host, you know that it is so natural to at first disregard the customer service factor. Yet, without a doubt, you will have a few issues, and when they crop up, you want solid and quick support.

Your business directly relies upon it, since even a tiny error in your website could mean the deficiency of various customers. At InMotion, they have numerous qualities where customer support is concerned:

Perhaps the greatest advantage of using them is that you are guaranteed to get the support that is situated in the United States. This implies quicker response time as well as better customer care.

Moreover, the customer representatives that you will talk with are really educated. All support staff members are expected to have somewhere around 160 hours of training prior to being permitted to communicate with customers.

We have found that they really have the skill expected to appropriately deal with your extraordinary issues and are not simply depending on a troubleshooting script.

  • Onboarding Process:

They likewise have a fabulous interaction for kicking you off utilizing their hosting services. Particularly on the off chance that this is your most memorable time making your own website ready, this is a significant reward.

They send a progression of helpful onboarding messages to help you with each period of setting up your website on their server. What is especially helpful is that these messages are custom-made to your particular kind of website and its principal reason, so you get applicable arrangement guidelines.

The final product is that this interaction prudently evades a lot of potential support issues not too far off after you set up, on the grounds that it deals with them at the very start.

  • Various Correspondence Channels:

They additionally offer various means through which to get customer support. You can do a live chat through their website, send an email, utilize the customary ticket framework, call in utilizing Skype, or you can phone in on 888.321.HOST(4678).

We viewed the response time for each. You can hope to get the support you really want on time, which is significant since each minute counts.

  • 24/7 Customer Support:

Like each great hosting service, their support group will deal with every one of the difficulties you run over, regardless of how troublesome they may be – 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

  • InMotion Web Hosting Performance and Speed:

Their customer support isn’t the only thing InMotion Hosting succeeds at. The speed and performance of their servers are additionally extremely noteworthy.

Until this point, they have never had a significant blackout and they have close to 100 percent uptime, which is darn great for a service of their size.

Besides, dissimilar to numerous other shared web hosting services out there, they don’t oversell their servers. At the end of the day, they don’t permit such a large number of sites to be hosted on a similar server.

All things being equal, they keep every server restricted to what it can really deal with, implying that regardless of whether various sites hit top traffic simultaneously, the server can deal with it better.

Other than the above there are various more novel features that InMotion utilizes to guarantee uptime, speed, and security for their hosting customers:

  • NVMe SSD Drives For Their Servers as a Whole:

For one thing, each and every server is supported by NVMe SSD (Solid-State Drive) drives, rather than a conventional HDD (hard plate drive) drive.

(Non-Volatile Memory Express) NVMe drives must quicker peruse compose capacities, speeds, and CPU performance. SSD drives are chip-based (non-mechanical), rather than plate based, it is fundamentally quicker at recovering the put-away information.

This implies quicker loading times and quicker data recovery for those using your website, and that implies fewer individuals leaving your site since it takes excessively lengthy.

A review from Google found that a one-second postponement in mobile page load times can affect conversion rates by up to 20 percent.

 As indicated by InMotion, and inside testing they performed:

  • With NVMe your website content is delivered in a millisecond
  • SSDs perform multiple times quicker than HDDs
  • SSDs had the option to push through around 65 percent more data from the server
  • During seasons of high I/O demands, these data numbers rose to roughly 95 percent when contrasted with HDDs
  • Different server farms and Max Speed Zones

One more remarkable component of InMotion is that as opposed to having one data center that serves the whole country, they have numerous data centers.

While buying their services, you get to pick an area that best serves you (in view of where the majority of your customers or visitors are from).

To see which data center turns out best for your area, they even have a record download test you can use on their website to look at which focus gives you quicker service!

Since they have numerous server farms, they likewise have what they name Max Speed Zones that allude to geological areas inside a specific scope of their focuses. Assuming you are inside their Max Speed Zone, they guarantee that your website and email can get multiple times quicker.

  • Solid Focus on Security:

They treat security in a serious way as they will screen server security day in and day out. Your websites are covered by DDoS protection, advanced firewall frameworks like ModSecurity as well as custom firewall rules.

  • Strong WordPress Features:

They offer managed WordPress hosting on all plans, as far as center WordPress auto-installer updates and fixing of normal security holes.

  • NGINX, Varnish, FastCGI, BrotlweCompression, and Advanced Server Caching. You can decide to have WordPress pre-installed when you join, or you can present a website move demand a short time later.
  • All WordPress sites accompany WP-CLweincorporation (an order line tool for overseeing WordPress installation, meaning you can refresh plugins, design installation, and substantially more, without utilizing an internet browser).
  • PHP 7 is accessible on InMotion WordPress hosting. PHP 7 helps WordPress sites proceed as much as 2 to multiple times quicker versus earlier PHP versions.
  • InMotion Hosting offers FREE private SSL certificates on undeniably Shared Business Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Server plans. IMH customers can now effectively protect their websites for safe perusing with a single click.

InMotion Web Hosting Features:

  • Domain Validated SSL
  • 256-cycle Encryption
  • Controlled by Comodo and cPanel
  • Free Automatic SSL Renewal

Offering free SSL certificates is an extraordinary move, and an unquestionable necessity for web based business sites, as a free SSL certificate permits you to acknowledge installments and complete online transactions easily.

  • Free Website Backups

Other than solid customer service and great hosting performance, we have found that they have a couple of other serious benefits to consider.

One of these is that they offer free website backups. It is entirely expected for hosting services to routinely perform backups, however, it is strange that they offer backup recovery free of charge.

Most hosting services charge a free when you really want a crisis backup, however InMotion does not.

There are two or three restrictions that apply to the backups included with your account. Renewing your account is free, however, restricted to once at regular intervals.

An expense of $49 will apply for any extra restores. Additionally, in the event that your site is bigger than 10GB, it won’t be supported automatically.

  • Free Site Migration

That’s what another pro is on the off chance that you are moving your website from one hosting service to theirs, they offer a free website move service.

Their website likewise guarantees that your website will experience zero downtime when they play out this transfer.

There are several provisos you ought to know about. Relocation of email accounts is just included with cPanel movements.

Non-cPanel relocations might require an email to be physically moved. Expenses might apply to website moves comprising more noteworthy than 3 sites as well as data sets or more than 5GB of information.

  • Adaptability

At long last, for a web hosting service that is, in all honesty, so old for its industry, it positively isn’t falling obsolete. They offer numerous choices that mean you have a lot of adaptability with your website(s).

At the point when you host through them, you get a great Google App mix and as a result of their various companies with web-based business services, you can get a ton of internet business support and application mix too.

They likewise offer extraordinary service for WordPress reconciliation, including a pre-Installation of WordPress as a choice when you buy hosting through them.

They additionally give you $250 worth of free ads. You get $100 of Google AdWords credits, $75 of Bing ad credits, and $75 of Yahoo ad credits, to help you drive quality traffic to your website.

  • Strong Website Developer

BoldGrid is the name of their superior website developer that comes included with each hosting plan. BoldGrid is a simple intuitive proofreader that permits you to rapidly build staggering, responsive websites that are powered by WordPress.

BoldGrid is natural and easy to utilize thanks to features like an intuitive plan, and free pre-constructed and responsive subjects. In addition, it accompanies features like underlying SEO and site arranging.

Also, dissimilar to other website developers, it’s totally free and you have 100 percent possession and unlimited authority of your own site.

InMotion Web Hosting Cons

Thus, presently we have evaluated the stars, and we should investigate a portion of the drawbacks of utilizing them.

  • Price Point

Presumably, the greatest con is that its price point is higher than most other shared hosting services offering comparable services.

In any case, you truly do receive whatever would be most reasonable, and with the customer service choices, free backup and restore, free relocation services, and various other free applications, we accept they compensate for it in different regions.

  • Extended Contract

Another disadvantage is that when you truly do buy their services, you are gotten into a drawn out agreement. This implies you take a smidgen of a bet that you will be happy with it and it will merit the money.

Nonetheless, they really do offer an extremely liberal 90-day money-back guarantee, so at last, the gamble isn’t really awful. Industry-standard is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

The guarantee is particularly consoling on the off chance that you are prepaying for a whole year to get better pricing.

Anyway know that the money-back guarantee remembers no add-for buys, for example, SSL certificates or domain name registrations.

  • Limit for Number of Sites

Another con that we found is that customers are typically restricted to the number of websites that they can host on one single account.

Anyway, this is just the situation for the Launch and Power plans (the Pro bundle takes into consideration unlimited addon websites).

In this way, on the off chance that your plan is to run a critical number of websites, you might need to think about an alternate host, or simply be ready to pay a smidgen of something else for the Pro bundle. However, in the event that you simply need two or three sites, this shouldn’t actually affect you by any means.

  • Slow Account Setup

They have severe extortion counteraction strategies set up (which is something to be thankful for) and all new customers need to confirm their hosting buy by going through a phone check process.

Be that as it may, your hosting account will be initiated on exactly the same work day.

Confirming your account is hassle-free and effortless, however, this implies that you will not have the option to quickly get to your hosting account, and it tends to be awkward for certain users, particularly non-US occupants.

InMotion Hosting Pricing & Plans

InMotion Hosting offers a scope of hosting services from VPS and dedicated servers, to cloud and WordPress hosting. In any case, here we will simply cover their shared web hosting plans.

They offer 4 shared web hosting plans: Core, Launch, Power, and Pro.

Here are the main features of each hosting plan:

InMotion Hosting Core Plan

  • Entry – beginner – plan
  • Host 2 websites
  • 100GB disk space
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • 2 MySQL & PostgreSQL databases
  • Free website transfer and setup
  • Free daily website backups
  • Max Speed Zone technology
  • Basic US-based support
  • Malware and email spam protection
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

InMotion Hosting Launch Plan

  • 6x speed & performance
  • Host unlimited websites
  • Unlimited disk space and bandwidth
  • 2 MySQL & PostgreSQL databases
  • Free website transfer and setup
  • Free daily website backups
  • Max Speed Zone technology
  • Basic US-based support
  • Malware and email spam protection
  • NGINX-powered caching system UltraStack
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

InMotion Hosting Power Plan

  • 12x speed & performance
  • Host unlimited websites
  • Unlimited disk space and bandwidth
  • 50 MySQL & PostgreSQL databases
  • Free website transfer and setup
  • Free daily website backups
  • Ecommerce ready 1-click shopping carts
  • Max Speed Zone technology
  • Basic US-based support
  • A Shared SSL certificate is included
  • Malware and email spam protection
  • NGINX-powered caching system UltraStack
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

InMotion Hosting Pro plan

  • 20x speed & performance
  • Host unlimited websites
  • Unlimited disk space and bandwidth
  • Unlimited MySQL & PostgreSQL databases
  • Free website transfer and setup
  • Free daily website backups
  • Ecommerce ready 1-click shopping carts
  • Max Speed Zone technology
  • Pro-level US-based support
  • A Shared SSL certificate is included
  • Malware and email spam protection
  • NGINX-powered caching system UltraStack
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

Hosting Plan Comparison

  • Which hosting plan would it be advisable for me to get?

Here is a correlation of InMotion Hosting’s Launch versus Endlessly power versus Expert, where we frame what the key distinctions are between the Launch, Power and Pro shared business hosting bundles.

InMotion Hosting Launch Vs. InMotion Power Hosting Review

The undeniable contrast between the Launch and Power plan is obviously the price. The Launch plan is InMotion’s entrance level and in this way, it’s the least expensive shared hosting plan.

With the Power plan, you can host up to 6 websites. The plan comes with an internet business prepared with a single tick shopping basket installation for WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Magento, OpenCart, osCommerce, and DrupalCommerce. The Power plan likewise gives you a shared SSL certificate.

You ought to consider picking the Power plan if:

  • You need to have the option to host 6, rather than 2, websites
  • Your web-based business and shopping baskets installed
  • You need a free shared SSL certificate

InMotion Hosting Power Vs. InMotion Hosting Pro Review

There are several distinctions between the Power and Pro plan. The Pro plan offers practically limitless everything (websites, domains, information bases, and so forth and the Pro Plan gives you around 4x more assets as well as extra features favorable to even out support.

On the off chance that you’re hoping to grow and host more websites (in excess of 6 websites which the Power plan permits) then, at that point, the Pro plan would be a superior choice for you.

You ought to consider picking the Pro plan if:

  • You need “unlimited” everything
  • You need a server with additional resources
  • You need favorable to even out support 

Which InMotion Hosting plan is best for you?

Presently you are ideally in a superior situation to pick the right shared hosting plan from InMotion. Recall you can constantly go up a level and move up to a higher hosting plan on the off chance that you require more resources and features.

In light of our experience, here are our suggestions for you:

  • We suggest that you possibly go with the Core plan to begin an essential (non-WordPress) website
  • We suggest that you go with the Launch plan assuming you are beginning and mean to essential WordPress websites.
  • We suggest that you go with the Power plan assuming you mean to run different WordPress, different CMS, or online business-controlled sites.
  • We suggest that you join with the Pro plan assuming that you expect to run a WordPress, different CMS, or online business site that needs more performance resources and features.

Top 3 Best InMotion Web Hosting Alternatives:

  • A2 Hosting
  • BlueHost
  • GreenGeeks

We have now come to an end to our well-detailed review of InMotion Web Hosting pros and cons. We hope it helps you in the best possible manner.

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